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K~ Music Inc., is a family owned musical instrument & equipment company located in Utica, New York – at the “Gateway to the Adirondacks”.
We have been providing our customers with quality Sales, Service, Repair,
Lessons & Moving alternatives since 1973.
Thank you for checking out our web site and we look forward to serving your music needs.

Consign Lessons Moving Repairs Sales
Piano, organ and keyboard lessons
are taught the traditional way
By reading music which is
actually easier
than depending on colors
or numbers.
Delivery of large
musical instruments /
equipment is done
personally by K~Music
Pick-up of service & consignment items is done the same way.
K~ Music has certified
technicians to repair
your Electronic Gear,
Acoustic, Pianos & Band
Instruments in or out of factory warranty.
K~ Music is a full line retail company dealing with Guitars,
Drums, Keyboards, Pianos,
Organs, Band
Instruments, Sound Reinforcement &
K~ Music’s
consignment program is
structured to provide consumers with a broad alternative
customer base when selling or buying their music
instruments & equipment.